Sound Design
Students are expected to supply a physical design board, small folder, and 5-minute presentation.
Design Concept (in folder)
A typewritten design concept paper (with entry tag) and should contain the following elements:
Points will be awarded based on creativity, collaboration, storytelling, as well as how your design supported the mood and structure of the production.
Speaker Plot (mounted on display board)
A Speaker Plot (¼” or ½” scale) showing the location of speakers within the venue. This may be a CAD or hand drafted plot fitting on no more than an ARCH D paper size. Additional information such as lighting instruments and scenic location may appear on the sheet, but are not required.
The Plot must contain key to symbols and title blocking containing the following:
Equipment List (in folder)
Detailed list of speakers, console(s), microphones, and other equipment used for the productionalong with basic specs.
Input Sheets, Output Sheets, System Signal Flow Charts or other system design paperwork (mounted on display board or in folder)
Cue Sheet (in folder)
Provide a detailed cue sheet with: cue number, page number/placement, description of the cue, and additional programing/operational notes (fades, loops, etc.)
5–minute Presentation (Power point encouraged)
Points will be awarded based on the student designer’s ability to describe the design and theirartistic choices. The student designer should be clear, concise, and confident in order to deliver an effective oral presentation.
During the presentation students should: