Stage Management

Stage Management

Students are expected to supply an organized prompt book (with design tag) and 5-minute presentation.

Production Script

The script should be setup with the various cues for the production clearly notated and ready to be called including standbys and gos as well as blocking notations.

Production PaperworkProvide at least 3 examples from below

1. Character Scene Breakdown

Supply a character scene breakdown for the entire script. This breakdown should clearly define characters are onstage or vocalizing during each section of the script. Scripts should be sectioned in a way that best fits the production, such as by: page, French scene, scene, etc.

2. Prop List

This should be a props list for show production and include:

Act/Scene/Page used
Prop name
Character who uses it
Prop Type
o Hand
o Personal
o Weapon
o Set
Safety notes
Was a rehearsal prop required
3. Production Requirements

Basic requirements sheets for lighting, sound, costuming and stage management concerns.  These should be based only the script and not design decisions.

Each Sheet should contain:

Have the script location (act, scene, page, etc.)
The exert note from the script

4. Example Production Reports (4)

Provide four reports from the rehearsals or performances. This may include technical and line notes.

5. Production Calendar

Provide a calendar showing the rehearsal schedule, load-ins, tech rehearsals, productions,etc.

5-minute Presentation (Power point encouraged)
Points will be awarded based on the student stage manager’s ability to describe the their organization and process. The student stage manager should be clear, concise, and confident in order to deliver an effective oral presentation.

During the presentation students should:

Summarize their process and organization of the production along with their specific duties
Exhibit how the director’s concept and the style of the production influenced their work
Explain collaborations and challenges that occurred during the production from both a technical and management perspective
Demonstrate a difficult occurrence that occurred during the production and how they overcame it.  This can include how it would be handled differently in the future.